Strengthening civil society organizations
Programs and services
Cycle of improvement
Gain clarity on your CSO's intervention model that strengthens leadership and management skills, consolidates your organization's governance, provides you with skills to manage and optimize internal processes, and reinforce fundraising.
Strengthening and developing CSOs
We strengthen the management and impact-generating skills and capabilities of civil society organizations in Nuevo León.
Social observatory
We integrate public, demographic, financial and relationship data, monitoring results and producing reports that contribute to evaluating and improving the sustainability of organizations using 4 dimensions of analysis.
Community: physical and virtual spaces
We have individual and collective work spaces that also function as a meeting point where different social initiatives meet, discuss, collaborate and strengthen each other.
Government evaluation
Programs and data

Alcalde Cómo Vamos
We have an evaluation to monitor the municipal governments of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area, based on three main areas: the results of their management, the field evaluation and the citizen evaluation carried out by the inhabitants of the municipality.

Gobernador Cómo Vamos
We annually monitor the State's management in matters of security, environment, urban development, mobility, economy, work, governments, health, education and public finances.

Así Vamos Como Vamos Nuevo León
We seek to discover the perception of the population of Nuevo León regarding the performance of their authorities, their attitudes on different public issues and their main concerns.

We promote the use of EVA, a tool that allows users to evaluate different public services to help them improve.

Diálogos Metropolitanos
We propose a space to exchange points of view on the most relevant issues of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area, its challenges and opportunities.

Diálogos sobre seguridad y justicia
We compare the commitments of the Attorney General, Secretary of Security and Governors for the administration of justice.

First place in Results Management in Latin America
Inter-American Development Bank 2017
Monitoring and evaluation best practices
First place in the Open Government Practice in Mexico
INAI 2020
Innovative Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation for the SDGs
ACEVAL 2020Causas Ciudadanas

(Axis in the process of consolidation)
We structure and strengthen the capacity of leaders and civil society to organize around community causes, in order to give them greater visibility and relevance in the public agenda.
Through a strategic approach, we facilitate the development of public advocacy and communication plans, seeking to mobilize a broad sector of society to achieve a greater impact and positive change in these problems that affect the community.

Current projects

We create and organize spaces for meeting, dialogue and networking for leaders and civil organizations in Nuevo León, to raise awareness of the most pressing causes for the citizens of the state each year, and to generate synergies and collaboration in the social sector.

Alianza del Aire Nuevo León
We activated the articulation of a network of 6 civil organizations with the objective of exercising the right to health of the citizens of Nuevo León by achieving the updating, transparency, correct and effective implementation of the Nuevo León Atmospheric Contingency Response Program (PRCA).

Red Multisectorial para la Prevención de la Violencia
In order to position social prevention of violence as an effective and efficient public policy to reduce the levels of violence in our state, we articulated a network with 16 organizations belonging to 4 sectors: social, governmental, academic and private.

Diálogos por la paz
We promote the articulation and collaboration of a group of 6 civil society organizations that seek to analyze and make visible the negative impact of the various types of social violence, and promote the implementation of coordinated actions and solutions between the public, governmental, academic, business and civil organization sectors.
Redes que hemos articulado

Observatorio Ciudadano de Seguridad

Observatorio Ciudadano del Sistema Estatal Anticorrupción

Grupo Promotor de la Ley de Fomento de las OSC de Nuevo León

Niñez Esencial

Coalición Anticorrupción